Now, this isn't just any ole truck. If you look real close you will see a name on the drivers door. It says "Orville Boldt, Woodlawn, IL." Orville Boldt was my grandpa, but he passed away when I was only about 6 or 7. He was a great man and I miss him even though I don't remember much about him. My dad and my grandma have shared many stories about him and I look forward to someday getting to chat with him in heaven. But this is his truck and I thought it was priceless to see my dad driving his dads old truck.
Here I am with my brother carrying out part of the mess. You can see the 1970s wallpaper that used to hang in our kitchen. Seeing that reminded me of all the other wonderful families who had once called this place their home. I bet everyone of those families wished this wall was taken out too.
Unfortunately, my brother suffered an injury during the process. He tried to kick down the wall and when his foot went through the plaster he fell forward where he was pierced in the hand by a nail. This took us away from our work for about 30 minutes so that we could console my brother. He now believes that he understands a bit of what Jesus went through when he was crucified because he too had a nail in his hand. My brother believes that the Lord was sending us a message especially since this happened on a Friday. My brother informed us that when we went looking for him Sunday morning in his room, he would not be there. I maybe don't need to tell you this, but my brother is very dramatic.
He is so cute when he works and he loved using that SawZaw. Nice work Mr. G.
This is a picture taken from our dining room into our living room. Just a few hours ago you only would've seen a wall, but now you can see into the living room and out the window. We are already pleased with the renovation and the process isn't finished yet. In fact, we have lots left to do with finishing the ceiling, painting, adding laminate, and changing the trim. There will be many more house renovation updates to come. And in case you were worried, my brother is doing fine. He has had a full recovery from his injury, however, he does remember the experience as a life and death situation.
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