Monday, November 10, 2014

Fishin' With Gampa

Bubby somehow got it into his head that he needed to go fishing with Gampa and he was not gonna rest until he got it done. 
He put on what he called his fishina hat and wore it all day long.
 This is how big the fish is gonna be that he catches with Gampa.
 That night we did our bath but Bubby said he needed to keep his jeans on in case Gampa calls and says its time to fish.  So he slept all night for two nights in a row in his fishin' jeans.
He fell asleep with Marley on the chair dreaming of fishing.
Finally we were able to set up a good time to go fishing with Gampa and we headed down south to meet up at Gampa's brother's farm.  Bubby was psyched.
 When we got there we were first greeted by a dog.
 You can well imagine how excited that made my kiddos.
 Marley had come along with us and wasn't too thrilled about the idea of another dog hanging around.
 They are ready to go fishing.  Love this picture.
And in the meantime Sissy is making a new friend.  The plan was for Sissy and I to drop Bubby off with Gampa and then we would head on....
 But try telling Sissy that.  She was definitely not ready to go.  I think we might have a future farm girl on our hands.
 Isn't that view beautiful.   
 Happy boy. 
Gampa went off to find a shovel so he could dig up some worms.  The kids were following close behind.
 Didn't find a shovel but a pitchfork will do.  This is one of those classic pictures that should be framed.
 Already found a worm.
 If catching fish is as easy as finding worms then we will be eating fish for dinner tonight.
 Bubby telling me how big of a fish he is gonna catch.
 Sissy was just running around enjoying everything about the farm.
 I mean REALLY enjoying the farm.
 They found their last worm....
 And went back to bait their hook.
Now it's time to cast the line.  Once the line got thrown in Bubby automatically thought its not working cuz its not catching fish.  He hadn't learned the art of patience with fishing just yet.
Gampa went back to bait his hook while Bubby fished and Sissy thought that it looked like Gampa needed some help.
 That pole was way too big for her and she was having trouble trying to maneuver it....but just imagine how hard it was for Gampa who was holding the hook to the pole and trying to put a worm on it.
 Time to just sit back and wait for the fish to start biting.

What a gorgeous day.... unfortunately it was probably too cold to catch any fish but Bubby didn't mind one bit.
Well, Sissy, someday when you are older you will be able to stick around and fish too but for right now it's time for us to leave and let these guys catch some fish.
That didn't make her too happy.
The boys hung out at the pond fishing for about another 20 minutes after we left and unfortunately left with only two nibbles and no fish but they had a blast.  Bubby's hoping to do it again and Gampa's hoping it will be sometime when it is a lil bit warmer.  But today was filled with wonderful memories and hopefully the start to fun traditions.

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