Tuesday, April 14, 2015

One Month Check-Up and More

It was already time for Little G's one month check up.  After a slow start in gaining weight I was a bit concerned about what the scales would say.  I was pretty sure that he had gained weight but I didn't know how much.  Turns out he was up almost two pounds in two weeks weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz.  He also grew another half inch.   
  Laying out on the examining table waiting to get measured.
 All three of my kiddos.  This was the first time going to the doctor alone with the three kids.  I was a bit worried about how it would go.  If even just one acts up then its a bad deal.  But praise God all three of them were good.  We even had compliments from people about how well-behaved they were.  I was appreciative of their nice comments but was thinking the whole time that we needed to hurry up and get to the car before one of them starts acting up. 
 The big kids loved watching Little G get a check up.  The doctor was very pleased with how Little G is growing and with how healthy he is.  Very blessed.
 Look at the beautiful blue skies and green grass.  Warmer weather is not far off.  It's hard to tell but Sissy G is out in the field with Sam, our landlords black lab.
 Playing with the flower pots adding lots of gravel and dirt.
 Gotta love a little girl who likes to get dirty.
 It definitely looks like the kind of day to wear snow boots.
 She's got quite the personality.
 This lil guy just takes it all in. 
 We really enjoy the path behind our house to go for walks.  Notice Bubby G brought along his butterfly net.  Since there aren't butterflies out yet he has decided to try and catch some birds instead.
 During the walk we saw a bunch of deer in the field in front of us.
 The kids were very excited.
 Walking with his net.
 Hurrying up to finish our walk before the sun goes down.
 Very thankful for such a content and happy baby.  If I had the time I would just sit and stare at him all day.
 Outside blowing bubbles.  I love that Bubby is good about teaching Sissy and including her in what he is playing with.
 Trying to blow her own bubbles....but she doesn't blow nearly hard enough to get any bubbles to come out.  Made for a cute picture though.
 Snuggling up with ALL of her stuffed animals and dolls.
 Apparently, I should've taken a picture of the flowers Mr. G surprised me with before Sissy G got ahold of them.
 This goofy boy doesn't sleep much at night...but lay him on the rug in the kitchen and he conks out.
 My friend brought him some neat homemade gifts and one of them were these mittens to keep him from scratching himself.  Its a ball and glove.  Love it.
In the baby carrier just hanging around while mom works on supper.
It still surprises me to think we have three kids.  It seems like yesterday I was begging Mr. G to start trying for baby #1 and three in a half years later we have a house full.  God has definitely blessed us and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

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