Dearest Lord,
Thank you for being a great and mighty God, but most of all, thank you for being a forgiving God. So many times in my life I have remained silent. When someone said something against you, Lord, or when someone makes fun of Christianity I always hurt for you but I don't always speak up. At the time, I justify my silence by telling myself I will only push that person farther from you, or I will embarrass them. I don't want to come across as being better than them, and I don't want to lose a friendship.
In my mind, at the time, all of those reasons make sense. I think of the times, though, that despite those reasons I have spoken up anyway. Those were some of the greatest moments in my life. I could feel your presence, Lord. You would give me the words to say, and I would always go to bed at night with no regrets feeling like I actually made a difference.
My question is, Lord, how do I know when to speak up and when to stay silent? When do I lead by example and when do I start talking?
When our country makes poor decisions do I remain silent believing you will make it right or do I stand up for you?
I pray today, Lord, for your guidance. I am wanting to make a difference for you, but I want to do it the right way. Help me, Lord, know the way and know your will.
Thank you again, Lord, for your forgiveness for the times I should have spoken up but instead I remained silent.
In Jesus Name, Amen