Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Everyday Stuff

During our weekly homeschool group meeting our kiddos got to be a part of putting together bags of food for kids in need in our area. 
They each got their own brown paper bag...
And would put the correct number of each item in their bag as the went through the line.
Then they would put them in the bins.  The kids enjoyed helping others and felt like they were big stuff.
Little G playing ball with his buddies at the homeschool group.
While we were shopping at a local store, Sissy got to see the pet pig that the store had in a cage in the back.  One of the workers let Sissy G feed the pig some celery.
Sissy had an absolute blast.  She may have a future in the pig feeding business.  But when I went back to see the pig a few minutes after Sissy had fed her....
This is what I saw.  Hopefully the pig was just sleeping.
Speaking of sleeping....how sweet is this sound sleeper?
Underwear man playing catch with his balloon.
Another sleepy-time photo.
We took a quick trip down south to see our friend play in one of her last collegiate home games.  The kids had a blast.
And our friend was player of the game with another double-double.
Valentine's was fun for us this year.  Bubby got to give out valentine's to all his classmates at preschool.  Sissy got into the heart stickers while Bubby G was putting his valentine's together.
It was this lil dude's first valentines day.
This was Bubby presenting his Batbot at our homeschool group show-and-tell.  He did such a good job.
Sissy dressed and ready for the basketball game.
Bubby ready too.  He even carried his ball around with him everywhere.  Little G seemed interested on getting his hands on that ball.
My little Valentino.
I think he knew he was adorable.
Sissy must've slept hard that night.  She woke up with some crazy hair.
Painting her first jewelry box.
And Bubby painting some race cars.  The kids took at least an hour working hard on their projects.

This one speaks for itself....It quickly became one of my favorite photos.
Sissy had gotten really quiet in the back room and when we found her she had lipstick in her hand and a colorful face.  Still beautiful, but it was a bit difficult getting that bright pink lipstick out of her eyebrows.
Nana gave Sissy one little heart chocolate to eat on the road.  She didn't eat the chocolate, but instead let it melt in her hands and then she enjoyed squishing it through her fingers.  Nothing like a lil sensory play while riding along in the car.
Mr. My-Hair-Has-To-Look-Perfect.
He did a good job.
You definitely want nice looking hair when you are cooking up some pancakes for lunch.
Can you tell which outfit is Bubby G's favorite right now?  In fact, he is wearing it as I type this out.  I'm pretty sure he grabbed it out of the dirty laundry pile. 
The everyday stuff is what I like posting about the most because those seem to be the days you typically forget.  But with having a blog it helps me remember each little special thing about the childhood of our kiddos, and to me....that's priceless.

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