Eating breakfast in the morning together at the table. Love these sweet, sweet smiles in the morning.
Story time. It's not easy to keep Little G sitting the whole time.....but we definitely enjoy our story time.
This was a special book we got from the library.
When you turned the page it made it look like the animals in the picture were actually moving.
The kids thought it was the coolest thing.
Working on his reading book.
Sometimes when I'm working on school with Bubby G and I realize that it's been quiet from Little G for a while, then I hurry to the bathroom.....because this is usually where he will be. Ornery boy washing his hands in the potty. Most of the time he is playing in the sink, which I can handle a lot better than the potty.
We got him all cleaned up and came back to give him something to do to occupy him.
Bubby G is doing a great job staying in the lines.
This was the first time I gave Little G a marker. He was BEYOND excited.
Sissy doing some dancing in the kitchen.
We had been talking about Abraham and how he was 100 years old when Isaac was born so Bubby's job was to write his numbers to 100.
Sissy playing in the sink and giving her little people a bath.
A very special thing about homeschooling is that Bubby gets to learn from more than just me. His grandparents love getting involved too. On this particular day Bubby went with Nana to learn all about the science of baking cookies. He was so proud of those cookies and they were delicious.
I've learned a lot in the first six weeks of homeschooling and one is that Bubby has a tendency to get a low blood sugar mid morning. I can always tell when it hits. He will get very weak and whiney and his dark circles under his eyes will pop out. I've started buying protein rich chocolate milk and will give him one when he starts to feel weak.
Literally a minute after he drinks the chocolate milk he is back to his old self.
Sissy loves to cut and glue. Only once did she cut her hair in the process....but thankfully it wasn't a huge amount.
This was during an afternoon. The kids asked to go outside and play. Little G was asleep in his crib and I was getting stuff done in the kitchen so I told the kids they could play in the backyard and I would keep an eye on them through the window. It was adorable because when I looked out they were both sitting in the chairs just carrying on a conversation. They were acting all grown up.
Another amazing thing that happened is that Sissy taught herself how to swing all by herself. She can even get herself started and swing as high as anyone. I guess she got tired of mommy saying she was too tired to push her, so she just figured it out on her own.
Little G enjoying play dough while Bubby was doing school.
Sissy is a play dough freak. She plays with it literally every day.
Doing calendar time. He is able to do most of it on his own now.
Cutting and gluing.
He is also beginning to read a few letters which has made reading one of his favorite things to do.
Kids at work.
We absolutely love our neighbors.....the little girl next door has quickly become Sissy's best friend. I've never see two three year olds get along so well.
Sissy was coloring her heart red. Sissy shows little interest in doing school right now but learns a lot through imaginative play. I imagine that's pretty typical for a girl.
Going through our calendar work.
Bubby loves to count to 100.
Working on his chimpanzee drawing.
He did an amazing job. I love the pride that he takes in his work.
Sissy and her BFF eating popsicles in the front yard.
Little G came up and asked me to put this fairy costume on him. Mr. G wasn't too thrilled with this picture but it was funny for a bit.
It has been a very warm September but we were still able to enjoy an evening by the bomb fire at my brother's house. Hot dogs, chili, smores, and more. It was a fun night.
Sissy has learned well how to finish off a bowl of cereal.
On this particular Sunday, Bubby G wasn't feeling well so it was just me and Sissy who made the trip to the library to pick up our books for the week. She's growing up so fast. We missed Bubby not being with us, but it was also nice to spend time just me and her. We don't get to do that very often.
On daddy's day off we decided to clean out the garage and wash our cars and get things organized in the house for when the baby comes. It was sweet watching Bubby. He wanted everything spotless for when the baby comes. He even took a washrag and cleaned the garage floor by hand because he said "He didn't want the baby's feet to get dirty if she was to walk in the garage." He's got such an amazing heart.
All the kids in the neighborhood enjoyed helping Mr. G wash his car.
Big bath time smiles.
We did Bible time in the living room on this particular day. We had learned about Joseph and the coat of many colors....
And then learned about Joseph's journey from being sold as a slave and the troubles he had with Potipher's wife to where he ended up unjustly going to jail. This was Bubby putting Joseph in jail in his Bible interactive notebook.
Back on July 1st I found this amazing deal online for this dress with a headband and a necklace. I rarely order anything like this for Sis but I couldn't resist this time. I figured out why it was so cheap....the quality of the dress was very good but we didn't get it in the mail until September. I had almost forgotten about it by the time it came in the mail. Sissy was very excited about her new outfit and wanted to put it on right away. She looked adorable. Not sure what was up with Bubby's expression in the background but it made for a funny picture.
Kids doing their work.
Outside enjoying the summer weather.
My boys.
This picture was taken because we had stopped by Nana and Gampa's house but Gampa wasn't home. Little G loves playing with that toy that's on the ground with his Gampa and he was walking around the house saying, "Papa, where are you?" Then he stood and stared out the front door looking for his Gampa. Pretty stinkin' sweet.
We had a day full of doctors appointments and so we ended up doing school on the road. While we waited for our food at Chili's Bubby G got out his math book and got to work. It was funny to see Mr. G's expression when he saw how good Bubby was doing in his math.
On Thursday's we still go to our co-op with other homeschool families. This is Bubby with his friends counting seeds of an apple to see if this particular apple was pollinated at the right time.
It was a rainy day and Sissy and I went out on the front porch to listen to the rain while the boys slept.
But it didn't take long before she wanted to dance in the rain....
And eventually ended up walking through all the puddles.
This was Bubby G inside, asleep on the floor.
Working on drawing his leopard.
At night, Bubby sometimes likes to ask the kids what they want him to draw and he will draw it for them on the white board.
Here he drew our family and our house.
One Saturday we went up to Mr. G's family's church and enjoyed a back to school fair where the kids got to see a petting zoo and ride pony's.
She was a natural.
My nephew on his horse. It's always good to get to see this cutie.
Bubby loves horses and loves being a goofball.
Little G enjoying some time with Papa.
Bubby got a balloon sword and hat.
So did Bubby.
I was able to get some cute pictures of Sissy climbing through on of the bounce houses.
I was 33 weeks at that time and was feeling very big. I love that the little two wanted in the picture too and Bubby was my photographer.
The play dough queen.
Enjoying school.
Bubby's finished leopard.
Pushing Little G in the kids shopping cart.
Sweet sleeping pictures.
Looks like Little G strikes again.
Cutting skills.
The kids playing with the broken road.
Making mashed potatoes at Nana's house.
Happy Birthday Mozzie!!!!
We had a blast celebrating with her and Sissy was very VERY excited for Mozzie's birthday.
Doing a little reading.
Working on a special gift for Daddy's birthday that is coming up next month.
Learning how to do handstands with daddy.
Sound asleep with her baby doll.
It was time for Little G's 18 month check-up and he looked so grown up in the waiting room.
Getting weighed. He was 28 pounds.
Checking his temperature.
Getting measured. He was 33.75 inches.
Wrestling with daddy in the evening.
Bubby explaining about calendar work to Sissy.
The kids racing in the road.
Big boy just chillin' in the chair.
Fishing with daddy.
34 weeks and I still have my gang with me.
Celebrating my sis-in-laws birthday.
You can tell how much she is adored. The kids had a blast helping her blow out her candles.
Somebody napped hard.
My hard worker. Once he started reading words then we started flying through his reading book. I considered changing the reading curriculum we were using in the beginning because he showed very little interest in it. But now he begs to do reading.
We don't do a lot of crafts because this uber-preggo-mama has very little energy at this point and dreads the clean up process. But on this particular day we decided to do a fall painting craft.
Making her tree trunk.
We used Q-tips and paint to make the fall leaves.
The kids have gotten to the age where they don't make as big of a mess which I was very thankful for.
Bubby did a great job on his tree and then he decided that he needed to add some bats to his picture.
Giving me her sweet and sassy smile.
She thought she needed to blow on her picture to help it dry.
She asked that I take her picture.... I love her personality. Notice the shoes she picked out....high-heeled and on the wrong feet.
Love this girl.
Little G is talking up a storm and comprehending pretty much everything we say. I had just told him that we need to go bye-bye so we are gonna have to get him dressed. He walked out of the room and came back with some clothes to get him dressed in. Granted they were flannel pajama's but still....he understood what I meant.
Play dough and a crayon make the perfect drink.
We had gone to a family reunion and Little G borrowed his Gampa's name tag when we got back home.
A sweet treat after an evening walk as a family.
A picture of all of us at the family reunion.
Bubby took this picture one evening. I have been battling contractions for weeks and have been pretty much miserable. At this point I was dealing with a contraction and looking at some of the baby's things, saying a little prayer that if it's possible we would love for the baby to come soon. This pregnancy has sure kicked my butt but I know it will be completely worth it once little sister gets here.
I was walking passed Bubby's room when he was trying to go to sleep. When I took the picture he had his eyes closed but just at the last moment he opened his eyes up real quick and flashed this goofy grin my way. Guess he wasn't all that tired yet.
We have learned that Little G loves peanut butter sandwiches....
Can you tell???
Marley hasn't been far from my side lately. I think he knows that there is going to be a big change soon.
The other day Sissy G got stung by a bee out in the front yard. It was so sad hearing her scream out in pain. My mom was there and quickly put together a mixture to put on the sting to help pull out the poison from the sting. It helped a lot with the pain and Sissy was back to feeling good just a few minutes later. Very thankful for that.
Little G is growing up way too fast. He now can reach the door handle and is able to get out of the house without any help. That's a scary moment for me because I know how much he loves to be outside.
I am now 36 weeks pregnant and we are more and more anxious for little girl to get here. We have everything ready and now we just need the baby.
I've heard pineapple can help prepare your body for labor....but after eating two of these cans I then read that it has to be fresh pineapple. That was a bummer.
This was Bubby's first time using a ruler and he did a great job. He ended up making a comic strip on what to do if you see a bear.
I love the concentration on his face.
This is the first story that Bubby has read completely on his own. He was very proud of himself and I was beyond proud of him too. It was fun to watch him read it to his dad when he got home from work.
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