This is Bubby G saying, "I like snakes.".... He's full of bologna.
Sissy G enjoyed hearing the story too.....just chillin' in her exersaucer.
After I read Bubby G and Sissy G the story from the Bible then we watched a cartoon about Adam and Eve on the computer.
Bubby G liked the song that went with it.
He didn't like the snake though.
Sissy G didn't like the snake either.
Then we made a snake chain. Bubby G was working on his cutting skills.
Then he started helping with the glue. He's showing me the big glob of glue he got on his finger...which he got from digging his finger into the glue stick.
Can't have a snake without googly eyes.
Dragging his snake around the table by its tongue.
Still not sure what to think about that snake.
We put the snake up to where we can keep our eye on it.
I was excited because this week we started on our letters. This week we are doing the letter A. I had bought Bubby G a work book to practice writing the letter A. It also has exercises where he has to recognize the letter A out of a group of letters.
Trying it out left handed first...
Then switching to the right. He loved his workbook.
Next we used ink on our fingers to make ants on the letter A. I was planning on just having Bubby G color the letter A to make it less messy, but when I asked him, "A is for what?"....I was expecting him to say apple, but instead he said that A is for ant. I don't remember ever telling him that....he is all the time amazing me.
But I had remembered seeing this idea online about making ants out of your fingerprint....
So that's what we did.
This was before I drew on the legs and antennas....but you get the point.
Sissy G enjoyed the ants better than snake. Bubby G noticed that his sissy was drooling a lil bit so he ran in and grabbed a tissue and then wiped off her mouth. He is all the time taking care of her. He is such a good big brother with an amazing heart.
Back to the school work. Moving on to our number of the week.... Number two. Bubby G liked the rhyme that went with writing the number two.
"Around and back on the train track. Two! Two! Two!!!"
Giving me her 'interesting' look.
Coloring the number two.
Writing his name at the bottom.
We started thinking Sissy G was getting bored so we got her a toy to play with.
"A toy....really? What do you think I am....a baby?"
Never mind....I like this toy.
Then we worked on more math by matching the right number of pumpkins with its number.
We finished math time by doing our number puzzle.
Time to get changed cuz today is orange day.
Enjoying a little free play time.
Bubby G writing his name on his next assignment. More messy crafts. Bubby G learned that red and yellow make orange by taking these two blobs of paint and....
Using his fingers to smear them together and then....
Painting a pumpkin with it. He didn't get too messy with it.... I think it's cuz he was getting hungry.
How about ORANGE mac'n cheese for lunch. We are going all orange out here.
Switching to the next day where we are going all red. A boy dressed in red, eating a red apple, with red toys all around. Can't get much more red than that.
While Bubby G was doing his school work....
I decided to snap a few pictures if Sissy G smiling in her Exersaucer.
Did I say a few?....
I can't choose just one of these pictures....
So I'll just show them all...
Bare with me.
Almost done...
Almost done as in more than half way done...
Don't go away...the best is yet to come.
Grand finale with two great big smiles to end on.
Back to homeschooling. We are now counting our red apples and...
Putting them in a line.
Apparently, we are also hiding a few in our barn.
We are now using our washable....but truthfully not so washable....roll on red paint to help make the apples on our apple tree.
Good job, buddy.
Looks like a big crop of apples this year. When he was done with his apple tree I asked him to hold it up so I could take a picture but he didn't want to.
Luckily Sissy G doesn't know how to say no yet.
How bout a cute one without the apple tree.
A fun thing about being a mom is putting your kids' artwork on the fridge....notice our calendar of our weekly events is on their too....
Gotta love when Mr. G adds things like this to the calendar. Does he not know that my week is hard enough....but if he wants me to memorize Moby Dick then I guess I will....Can't be as hard as it was when I memorized it the first time.
Outside time.
Played a little ball...
And did a little swinging....
And grabbed a quick picture of my two sweeties.
Then it was nap time.
After nap time came one of Bubby G's favorite things to do.... play with his blocks.
Bubby G's new thing right now is pumping his fist in the air and shouting out "Hot dog" when something good happens.
Did a lil reading time.
Another new thing is Bubby G loves to go for runs. He can run a mile easy and not even act tired. This is a picture of me and him running down the road together. Bubby G will come up to me in the morning and say, "Wanna go for a run?" So we take a run together. We might stop a couple times on our run so he can pick up a rock, look at a dead frog on the road, or stand in the middle of the street and drop his drawers to pee, but otherwise we just run and he loves it. Along the way he will say things like, "We can do this!" Then he'll look up at me, "We can do this?"....And I'll say "Yes, we can do this." "Oh, Ok! Sorry, Mom. We can do this." He cracks me up.
The other day we were running and he wiped out hard on the road. He banged his knee pretty hard. He just says, "Whoopsie....Hurt my knee a lil bit." But up he popped and we kept running. That'a boy!
Another messy red craft we did was making an apple pie. I didn't have the right kind of paper plate that we could paint on so I taped our coffee filters to it...which actually made it look even more like a crust.
I then dribbled some red paint on the plate...
And let Bubby G use his paint brush to spread the paint around.
Now it was time to sprinkle on some nutmeg and cinnamon to make it look and smell even more like an apple pie. But after getting the nutmeg and cinnamon out somehow the cinnamon went missing...
So we went looking. The last one seen with the cinnamon was Mr. Bubby G so he went from room to room looking for where he put it. We even called Mr. G at work to see if he had seen the cinnamon.
Bubby G then got a lil distracted in his room while looking for the cinnamon.
Back looking again...He thought he would tell Sissy G to keep her eyes out for the cinnamon.
So Sissy G started looking around her Exersaucer.
"What is it I'm supposed to be looking for again?" We finally gave up and decided to just use the nutmeg.....Bummer!
But Bubby G enjoyed putting it on his apple pie.
Cheesin' for me while he works.
Smelling the nutmeg.
When he was done we put the cinnamon free apple pie out to cool. As I was setting the pie on the ledge of our hoosier cabinet Bubby G decided to open the bottom door of our Hoosier cabinet. This is a door he loves to open and play in because it has lots of bowels and old birthday and Christmas napkins. He had actually made a mess with all that stuff earlier in the morning but Mr. G had picked it all up before he left for work. Turns out while Mr. G was picking it all up he....
Also had picked up the cinnamon and stuck it in there too and Bubby G found it.
So now we have our cinnamon.
And what's an apple pie without cinnamon. So I let Bubby G had the cinnamon to his pie.
Then we set it out to cool....again.
We practiced writing our A's before we went into our next craft of....
Making an apple out of Popsicle sticks.
First we had to color each Popsicle stick red.
Guess he got tired of using the table.
Then we added the glue.
Then the red Popsicle sticks...
And...viola! We had ourselves a red apple.
I tried to take a close up picture real quick before Bubby G started drawing on it.
3 seconds later our lil red apple was surrounded by several brown circles.
We reviewed our Bible lesson again.
Bubby G then went over to help Sissy G...
He wanted to show her how to do the spinning monkeys.
"Does he really think I don't know all about those monkeys?"
"Oh...The things I put up with."
Bubby G watched a quick video on the letter A....
While Sissy G sat on the chair....
With Marley.
We finished the week talking about Purple.
We made a little purple jello and
And some purple Kool-Aid. (Couldn't find my pitcher)
Bubby G tasting the Kool-Aid.
Bubby G not liking the Kool-Aid.
Hopefully Mr. G likes purple Kool-Aid cuz I made a lot.
Very thankful for another fun week with the kiddos and the best part is we get to do it all again this week.
Feeling blessed!!
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